Winder / Unwinder

The Crest wind up / unwind units are developed for handling various media. The units feature auto-tensioning and automatically regulated wind up speed for perfectly wound rolls. Crest also designs specific winders/unwinders for the handling of bigger rolls and weights over 1000 kg.

This machine can be custom made. Please let us know what your wishes are.


  • Auto tensioning by special torque motor
  • Jog-mode and reverse-operation
  • Heavy duty capabilities
  • Lockable shaft holders that keeps the roll in position


  • 1600mm and 3200mm
  • Rolls up to 80kg up to ΓΈ1200mm
  • Several optional components, such as: digital length counter with auto-stop, stronger motor, pneumatic winding shaft, loop-control sensor for tension-free winding, end-of-roll detection, etc.
  • On request: Heavy Duty Winder/Unwinder for rolls with even higher weight or larger diameter

The design can be altered to meet specific requests